
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Smoky Parsnip & White Bean Potage

I'm all about potages. Come fall and winter, there is nothing heartier and more nutritious than a huge bowl of pureed vegetables. This week in our farm share, we got a huge supply of parsnips. With their delicate sweet flavor and pale yellow color, I thought white beans would compliment them well. To jazz up the mild flavor, I added a hint of spice and smokiness. I ate this with some baguette and smoked gouda cheese on the side...went so well together!

Smoky Parsnip & White Bean Potage 

3 Large Parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped
1 med to large russet potato, chopped into same size pieces as parsnip
3 cloves of garlic
1 12 oz can white beans, drained
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1 vegetable bouillon cube
a few sprigs of fresh thyme

1. put the parsnips, potatoes, and garlic in a large pot. Cover the veggies in water until they are just covered, throw in the bouillon cube and bring to a boil.
2. Cook veggies until they are soft, and can be pierced easily with a fork. Once they are done, turn the heat off and add the white beans, paprika and thyme
3. Use either an immersion blender or transfer the soup to a blender and puree until it is smooth and free of vegetable pieces. 
4. Add salt and pepper to taste

Health Benefits!!
Parsnip- High fiber, helps lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar. They are very high in folic acid, which is wonderful for the female reproductive system and preventing birth defects, B Vitamins, and potassium to regulate blood pressure
Potato- Easily digestible, high in fiber, calcium and iron, and Vitamin C to prevent scurvy mate, and helps decrease inflammation in intestines
Garlic-Contains allicin, an incredibly medicinal component, especially in raw garlic (like in this recipe!) Allicin can help prevent high blood pressure, aid in digestion, aid in inflammation reduction, help prevent and cure cold, and much much more!
Thyme- a respiratory and digestive aid, thyme is an expectorant meaning it is helpful in treating coughs and colds, and may help relieve menstrual cramps

The A to Z Guide to Healing Herbal Remedies, Jason Elias and Selagh Ryan Masline

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