
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Roasted Cabbage Steaks With Goat Cheese & Rosemary Potatoes

Today was a longgggg day. I didn't get home until about 10pm, so obviously I wanted to spend more time eating than I did cooking. I went to the fridge and noticed a bunch more leftover red cabbage, possibly on the verge of going bad. In my continual effort to figure out what the hell one does with red cabbage to make it delicious, I decided to try out this recipe. And, it definitely worked. Deeeelicious. Since I was already roasting cabbage, I decided why not throw in some potatoes as well? pan, one meal, hardly any clean up! So here it is, my 2 simple and amazing recipes for an epic meal time. (PS this was an individual serving, so adjust if you want to make more!)

Roasted Cabbage Steaks with Goat Cheese:
2 Slices of a small red cabbage, about 1 inch thick
olive oil
a few thyme sprigs
1-2 oz goat cheese

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes:
2 small russet potatoes, chopped roughly into about 1 inch pieces
olive oil

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lay out cabbage slices on one side of a baking pan and the chopped potatoes on the other.
2. Drizzle everything liberally with olive oil and make sure the top of the cabbage and potatoes are evenly covered. Sprinkle on a good amount of salt and pepper on top of the cabbage, and toss the potatoes in salt an pepper. 
3. Add fresh thyme onto the cabbage and toss the potatoes with the rosemary. 
4. Place veggies in oven. Bake the cabbage for 25 minutes, or until tender. Remove the cabbage and put it on a plate, and place the potatoes back in the oven for another 5-10 minutes, or until they start to turn golden brown and become tender enough to easily pierce with a fork.
5. Crumble the goat cheese on top of the cabbage and let it melt into the crevices a little..and Enjoy your dinner!

Health Benefits!!
Goat Cheese- Lower in calories and fat than many other cheeses, high protein content, more easily digestible for those with aversions to dairy, and an amaazing taste! 
Red Cabbage- Rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E, which are good for eyes, skin, and boosting immunity. High in anthocyanins, which have been shown to reduce risk of some cancers, good source of calcium.
Potato- Easily digestible, high in fiber, calcium and iron, and Vitamin C to prevent scurvy mate, and helps decrease inflammation in intestines
Thyme- a respiratory and digestive aid, thyme is an expectorant meaning it is helpful in treating coughs and colds, and may help relieve menstrual cramps
Rosemary- Antioxidant, antiseptic and antispasmodic, has been shown to be helpful in preventing Alzheimer's disease due to certain phytochemicals it contains, camphor within rosemary helps circulation, can help prevent abdominal cramps through stimulating the release of bile.  

The A to Z Guide to Healing Herbal Remedies, Jason Elias and Selagh Ryan Masline

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